Friday, April 15, 2011

Catch Up!

I am so behind on the blog.
Life has been...well just busy! 
Enjoy the photos!

Lydia has such a sense of fashion...
she changes clothes every few minutes...
you never know what to expect!

Father/Daughter Dance

Daddy~Daughter Date Night at Chick-fil-A

Valentine's Day

Playing in the puddles after the rain!

Lydia is so proud that she learned how to hold up 3 fingers!

Puppet Show

Matching quilts!  I've been looking for months and I finally won a bid on Ebay! 

P.J. Party at Chick-fil-A!

Olivia and Clara posing during their ballet photo shoot!

We celebrated 12 years of marriage!

These are my nieces. Deborah has graduated and is on our Chick-fil-A team.
Laura is graduating from State this year, Kristy is in high school and Tiffany is married with children.

The girls love going to church and playing with their friends.
Here they are with Clara and Andrew.

Our family participated in our church Easter drama "The Passion of Christ."
Mark played a Pharisee and I was the adulterous woman.
It was a fun time together and a great way to share the good news of Jesus Christ!

We celebrated "Gotcha Day" with the girls ~
6 years for Olivia and our first year with Lydia.
They had chocolate chip pancakes with sprinkles for breakfast.

Michele and Angela hijacked my camera and for that...
I'm posting your beautiful faces on my blog!


It was another great year of school at Classical Conversations!
Olivia was excited about the egg proctector she built and
the presentation she did on her favorite doll Abel.

Lydia enjoyed playing with her friend Abby each week.
Hershey is one year old this month.  Yes we have survived the first year!

1 comment:

Michele said...

Hahahaha! What a surprise! That cracked me up! I love all the photos! 'Bout time! Hehe!