Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Washington D.C.

While Mark was out of the country Olivia and I traveled to D.C. to visit friends and do some sight seeing. It was a great trip!

All the museums say the earth is millions of years old. It was interesting to see the faces of those around us as Olivia and I talked about the dinosaurs being in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve and on the ark with Noah. What a blessing to home school and teach truth to our children!

A tribute to our 16th president - The Lincoln Memorial. We were very tired at the end of this day but it was our last night there and I wanted Olivia to see the memorial. After the long walk she said..."wow mom it was definitely worth it."

The only thing on Olivia's agenda was to see the pandas at the National Zoo.

Christy and Olivia were huddled together
as we watched an ice skater at this outdoor skating rink.

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