Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Greenbrier

Mark and I were blessed to attend a conference with Samaritan's Purse at the Greenbrier in West Virginia. It was like a second honeymoon for us! What a beautiful place, with an interesting history, delicious food and peaceful serenity!

Our first evening began with a birthday celebration for Billy Graham's 90th birthday. Each day we heard a challenging message from Dr. Joseph Stowell and great worship music led by the Tommy Coomes Band. We saw presentations of all God is doing around the world through Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Association.

Olivia stayed with her nana and papa in Asheville. It was our first time being away for each other and everyone did well. I was a little nervous the first day but after talking to her on the phone and hearing her say "mommy I don't want to call you later tonight,"
I realized all was well.

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