Friday, December 18, 2009


Cutest little reindeer I ever did see!

"snuggled up together like two birds of a feather should be"

Olivia knows that Santa is just a guy dressed up and
has never much liked his costume. This year for the first time ever
she decided to sit on his lap at the library Christmas party.

Our annual gingerbread house!

Tori and Olivia at Light Up Wilkes!


We had a wonderful semester of school.
Olivia is so bright and enjoys learning.

Volcano Experiment

Owl Pellet Dissection

Weekly Presentation
This one was on her wooly worm and
how it turns into an Isabella Tiger Moth.

Hands on Geography

Crayfish Dissection

And her favorite subject is READING.
She is an avid reader!


Olivia began Classical Ballet in the fall and she absolutely loves it.
She longs for Monday's to dance and be with her friends.

We traveled to Winston-Salem to see "The Nutcracker".
It was fun but a little long for a 5 year old. When one of the
dancers reappeared for her 3rd act, Olivia said quite loudly...
"oh no not her again."

Olivia and Anna after the ballet at Mellow Mushroom - yummy pizza!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Washington D.C.

While Mark was out of the country Olivia and I traveled to D.C. to visit friends and do some sight seeing. It was a great trip!

All the museums say the earth is millions of years old. It was interesting to see the faces of those around us as Olivia and I talked about the dinosaurs being in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve and on the ark with Noah. What a blessing to home school and teach truth to our children!

A tribute to our 16th president - The Lincoln Memorial. We were very tired at the end of this day but it was our last night there and I wanted Olivia to see the memorial. After the long walk she said..."wow mom it was definitely worth it."

The only thing on Olivia's agenda was to see the pandas at the National Zoo.

Christy and Olivia were huddled together
as we watched an ice skater at this outdoor skating rink.


Olivia and Tori had a fun day! They went to the performance of "Stellaluna", played at the park and had lunch together. Then it was off to get ready for our fall festival party at the church.

Have you ever seen a more beautiful princess and butterfly?

The annual hayride with friends!

Our little pumpkin!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Saying good-bye to my daddy

On September 24th my daddy left this world for the one he had been living for his entire life. It still seems only a dream but with each passing day I realize more and more that's it's not. Daddy left behind the sickness and pain his body had felt for so many years. He and mom would have celebrated 55 years of marriage October 16.
My daddy taught me many things throughout my life but one thing that lingers and I will always cherish ... my daddy loved me. This was the last photo I took of him at a birthday party over the summer.

Someone shared this poem with me and it has encouraged my heart.


I've found a new place where I can be free;
I've found a whole new beginning made just for me.
I know only peace and never feel pain;
Days are full of sunshine and never the rain.
I'm no longer sick; I recovered my youth.
And all my dreams have become my truth.
I can smile, I can laugh, I can walk, I can run;
I can hear every whisper and I can see past the sun.
My body is whole and my mind is clear;
I know all the answers and I'm free from all fear.
I know why you mourn me, I can see how you weep;
Your heart is full of aching from a love that was so deep.
I'm so grateful for loved ones that hold me so dear;
But, remember, I've found a much better place here.
I will be there beside you, always nearby;
So don't mourn me for long, or forever cry.
And whenever your sorrow bears down on your heart,
Think not of my ending, but my new start.
For on earth there's no joy that I'd ever see,
To compare to the joy of God smiling at me.

~Author Unknown~

First Time...

Roller Skating

Blowing a Bubble



Riding my bike without training wheels!

Friday, August 21, 2009

China Reunion

We had an amazing reunion at Hilton Head!
Playing in the pool, dinner at the Sanford's,
Dolphin tour, party on the beach and
lots of fun and laughter! The girls
picked up where they left off last year.
We are so blessed to get-together each year
with our travel group and Olivia's China sisters.

First night together!

Our precious princesses.

Silly on the beach!

Olivia and Lily

Having fun at the Sanford's.

Olivia and Caroline on the beach.
Olivia would love to have her for a little sister!

Dolphin tour.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Music and Arts Camp

Olivia attended Music and Arts Camp at Celebration Church.
It was a fun week and she enjoyed spending time with
friends she hasn't seen for awhile.

Say Cheese

Take One...

Take Two...

Take Three

Papa and Nana bought this cute outfit for Olivia during their
recent visit to Ireland. Isn't it fun trying to get just the right shot!

Father's Day

Olivia fixed breakfast in bed for her daddy.
It was a wonderfully relaxing Father's Day...
just what daddy ordered.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Another Day in Paradise

This beautiful cloud formed while we were outside
eating dinner. What made it more amazing was
the lightning that flashed through it. We broke out
in our family rendition of "The Revelation Song."

Olivia is becoming quite the little fisher
with the assistance of her daddy!

This turtle was getting ready to lay her eggs
in our yard...until we interrupted.

Our sweet little lady bug.

This was Olivia's last time singing with the Cherub Choir.
Now that she is five she will move up to the "big kids" choir.